Wednesday, 28 November 2018

Primary Sources

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RIMARY SOURCES are the bread and butter of any historian. This web site contains many primary sources. Some are part of the narrative of events, others are quotations.Those sources are not included in this list.

The pages that are devoted entirely to primary material, either text or illustrations, are listed here. This page is divided into topic areas, with the relevant primary sources listed under the appropriate heading. I hope you find the page useful. If you find errors and/or omissions, please let me know.

Complete texts

The Greville Memoirs

Volume I

Queen Charlotte -- Duchesses of Cumberland and Cambridge -- Westminster Election -- Contest between Sir Francis Burdett and Sir Murray Maxwell -- London Election -- Oatlands -- The Duke of York -- Duchess of York -- Ampthill -- Tixall -- Mr. Luttrell -- Lady Granville -- Teddesley -- Macao -- Burleigh -- Middleton -- Lady Jersey -- The New Parliament -- Tierney and Pitt -- Princess Lieven -- Madame de Stael on the French Revolution -- Westminster Election --Hobhouse Defeated -- Scarlett's Maiden Speech -- Influence of Party -- Play -- The Persian Ambassador at Court -- Prince Leopold -- Woburn -- Anecdote of the Allies -- Death of George III. -- Illness of George IV. -- Queen Caroline -- Fleury de Chabaulon -- The Cato Street Conspiracy -- George IV. at Ascot -- Marchioness of Conyngham -- Queen Caroline in London -- Message to Parliament -- Debates -- Insubordination in the Guards -- Wilberforce's Motion -- Proceedings against the Queen -- 'Les Liaisons dangereuses' -- The Queen's Trial -- The Duke of Wellington on the Battle of Waterloo and the Occupation of Paris.
Popularity of George IV. -- The Duke of York's Racing Establishment -- Clerk of the Council -- Lord Liverpool and Mr. Sumner -- Lady Conyngham -- Death of Lady Worcester -- Her Character -- Ball at Devonshire House -- The Duke of York's Aversion to the Duke of Wellington -- The Pavilion at Brighton -- Lord Francis Conyngham -- The King and the Duke of Wellington -- Death of the Marquis of Londonderry -- His Policy -- Sir B. Bloomfield sent to Stockholm -- Mr. Canning's Foreign Secretary -- Queen Caroline and Brougham -- Canning and George IV. -- Lord William Bentinck aspires to go to India -- His Disappointment -- The Duke of York's Duel with Colonel Lennox -- George III.'s Will -- George IV. appropriates the late King's Personal Property -- The Duke of Wellington on the Congress of Verona and on the Politics of Europe -- Intervention in Spain -- Ferdinand VII. -- M. de Villele -- The Duke's Opinion of Napoleon -- Sir William Knighton -- The Duke of York's Anecdotes of George IV. -- Death of the Marquis of Titchfield -- His Character
The Panic of 1825 -- Death of the Emperor Alexander -- The Duke of Wellington's Embassy to St. Petersburg -- Robinson Chancellor of the Exchequer -- Small Notes Bill -- Death of Arthur de Ros -- George III. and Lord Bute -- Illness and Death of the Duke of York -- His Funeral -- Lord Liverpool struck with Paralysis -- Rundell's Fortune and Will -- Copley and Phillpotts -- The Cottage -- Formation of Mr. Canning's Administration -- Secession of the Tories -- The Whigs join him -- Dinner at the Royal Lodge -- Difficulties of Canning's Government -- Duke of Wellington visits the King -- Canning's Death -- Anecdotes of Mr. Canning -- Recognition of South American States -- His Industry -- The Duke of Wellington on Canning -- Lord Goderich's Administration formed -- The Difficulty about Herries -- Position of the Whigs -- The King's Letter to Herries -- Peel and George IV. -- Interview of Lord Lansdowne with the King -- Weakness of the Government -- First Resignation of Lord Goderich -- Lord Harrowby declines the Premiership -- Lord Goderich returns -- Brougham and Rogers -- Conversation and Character of Brougham -- Lord Goderich's Ministry dissolved -- Cause of its Dissolution -- Hostility of Herries -- Position of Huskisson and his Friends -- Herries and Huskisson both join the New Cabinet
The Duke of Wellington's Administration -- Huskisson's Speech -- Irritation of Mr. Canning's Friends -- Tom Duncombe's Maiden Speech -- Mr. Huskisson resigns and the Canningites quit the Government -- Princess Lieven hostile to the Duke -- The Catholic Question -- Jockey Club Dinner at St. James's -- Lord Lyndhurst -- Sir Robert Adair -- Fox and Burke -- Fox and Pitt -- The Lord High Admiral dismissed by the King -- Dawson's Speech on Catholic Emancipation -- The King's Health -- His Pages -- State of Ireland -- Marquis of Anglesey -- O'Connell -- His Influence in Ireland -- Lord Belmore Governor of Jamaica -- The Duke's Letter to Dr. Curtis -- Recall of Lord Anglesey from Ireland -- Causes of this Event -- Excitement of the King on the Catholic Question -- His Aversion to Sir William Knighton -- Character of George IV. -- Denman's Silk Gown -- Pension to Lady Westmeath -- Duke of Wellington on Russia -- The Reis-Effendi -- Duke of Northumberland goes to Ireland -- Privy Council Register -- State Paper Office -- The Gunpowder Plot -- Catholic Emancipation -- Navarino
The Catholic Relief Bill -- Inconsistency of the Tories -- The Catholic Association -- Dinner at Charles Grant's -- The Terceira Expedition -- Tory Discontent -- Peel resigns his Seat for Oxford University -- A Blunder in Chancery -- The Oxford Election -- Influence of the Duke of Wellington -- Debate of Royal Dukes -- Peel beaten -- Sir Edward Codrington -- Violence of the King -- Intrigues to defeat the Catholic Bill -- The Duke of Cumberland -- Furious State of Parties -- Matuscewitz -- Peel's Speech on Catholic Emancipation -- Exclusion of O'Connell from his Seat for Clare -- Pitt's View of Catholic Emancipation -- 'Musae Cateatonenses' -- 'Thorough' -- Mr. Lowther not turned out -- Duke of Newcastle's Audience of George IV. -- The King's Personal Habits -- The Debate -- Mr. Sadler -- Hardness of the Duke of Wellington -- His Duel with Lord Winchelsea -- The Bishops and the Bill -- Sir Charles Wetherell -- The King on the Duel -- Lord Winchelsea's Pocket-handkerchief -- Debate on the Catholic Bill -- The Duke of Richmond -- Effects of Dawson's Speech on the King -- The Bill in Jeopardy -- Lady Jersey and Lord Anglesey -- Lord Falmouth and Lord Grey -- O'Connell at Dinner -- The Duke breaks with Lord Eldon -- Hibner the Murderess -- Theatrical Fund -- The Levee -- The Duke's Carriage stopped -- The King's Health -- Lady Conyngham -- O'Connell's Seat -- Child's Ball at Court -- Princess Victoria -- Legal Appointments -- Lord Palmerston on Foreign Affairs -- The King and Lord Sefton -- The King's Speech on the Prorogation -- Madame Du Cayla -- George IV.'s Inaccuracy -- Conversation of the Duke of Wellington on the King and the Duke of Cumberland
The Recorder's Report -- Manners of George IV -- Intrigues of the Duke of Cumberland -- Insults Lady Lyndhurst -- Deacon Hume at the Board of Trade -- Quarrel between the Duke of Cumberland and the Lord Chancellor -- A Bad Season -- Prostration of Turkey -- France under Polignac -- State of Ireland -- Mr. Windham's Diary -- George IV.'s Eyesight -- Junius -- A Man without Money -- Court-martial on Captain Dickenson -- The Duke and the 'Morning Journal' -- Physical Courage of the King -- A Charade at Chatsworth -- Huskisson and the Duke -- Irish Trials -- Tom Moore -- Scott -- Byron -- Fanny Kemble -- Sir James Mackintosh -- His Conversation -- Black Irishmen -- Moore's Irish Story -- Moore's Singing -- George IV. and Mr. Denman -- Strawberry Hill -- Moore at Trinity College -- Indian Vengeance at Niagara -- Count Woronzow -- Lord Glengall's Play -- The Recorder's Report
Chapter of the Bath -- The Duc de Dino arrested -- A Ball to the Divan -- English Policy in Greece -- Sir Thomas Lawrence -- Gallatin -- Court of King's Bench -- Accident to the Grand Duke Constantine -- Osterley -- Young Sidney Herbert -- Duke of Wellington in Office -- Stapleton's 'Life of Canning' -- Death of Sir Thomas Lawrence -- Leopold and the Throne of Greece -- Canning's Answers to Lord Grey -- Distressed State of the Country -- Canning's Greatness and his Failings -- Death of Tierney -- Sir Martin Shee President -- The Duke of Wellington's Views and Conduct -- The coming Session -- Moore's 'Life of Byron' -- Character of Byron -- Opening of Parliament -- The Fire King -- The Duke of Wellington's Speaking -- The English Opera House burnt down -- Lord Thurlow on Kenyon and Buller -- Old Rothschild -- Lansdowne House -- Earl Stanhope -- John Murray -- Departure for Italy
Calais -- Beau Brummell -- Paris -- The Polignac Ministry -- Polignac and Charles X. -- The Duke of Orleans -- State of Parties -- Talleyrand -- Lyons -- First Impressions of Mountain Scenery -- Mont Cenis -- Turin -- Marengo -- Genoa -- Road to Florence -- Pisa -- Florence -- Lord and Lady Burghersh -- Thorwaldsen -- Lord Cochrane -- Rome -- St. Peter's -- Frascati -- Grotto Ferrata -- Queen Hortense and Louis Napoleon -- Coliseum -- Death of Lady Northampton -- The Moses -- Gardens -- Palm Sunday -- Sistine Chapel -- The Cardinals -- Popes -- Cardinal Albani -- The Farnese Palace -- A Dead Cardinal -- Pasquin -- Statue of Pompey -- Galleries and Catacombs -- Bunsen -- The Papal Benediction -- Ceremonies of the Holy Week -- The Grand Penitentiary -- A Confession -- Protestant Cemetery -- Illumination of St. Peter's -- Torlonia -- Bunsen on the Forum
Lake of Albano -- Velletri -- Naples -- Rapid Travelling in 1830 -- A Trial at Naples -- Deciphering Manuscripts -- Ball at the Duchesse d'Eboli's -- Matteis's Plot and Trial -- Pompeii -- Taking the Veil -- Pausilippo -- Baiae -- La Cava -- Salerno -- Paestum -- Lazaroni -- Museum of Naples -- Grotto del Cane -- The Camaldoli -- Herculaneum -- Vesuvius -- Sorrento -- Miracle of St. Januarius -- Astroni -- Farewell to Naples
Moladi Gaeta -- Capua -- Lines on leaving Naples -- Return to Rome -- The Aqueducts -- 'Domine, quo vadis?' -- St. Peter's -- The Scala Santa -- Reasons in Favour of San Gennaro -- Ascent of St. Peter's -- Library of the Vatican -- A racing _ex voto_ -- Illness of George IV. -- Approaching _Coup d'Etat_ in France -- The Villa Mills -- The Malaria -- Duc and Duchesse de Dalberg -- The Emperor Nicholas on his Accession -- Cardinal Albani -- A _Columbarium_ -- Maii -- Sir William Gell -- Tivoli -- Hadrian's Villa -- The Adventures of Miss Kelly and Mr. Swift -- Audience of the Pope -- Gibson's Studio -- End of Miss Kelly's Marriage -- A Great Function -- The Jesuits -- Saint-making -- San Lorenzo in Lucina -- The Flagellants -- Statues by Torchlight -- Bunsen on the State of Rome -- Frascati -- Relations of Protestant States with Rome -- The French Ministry -- M. de Villele -- The Coliseum -- Excommunication of a Thief -- The Passionists -- The Corpus Domini -- A Rash Marriage -- Farewell to Rome -- Falls of Terni -- Statue at Pratolino -- Bologna -- Mezzofanti -- Ferrara -- Venice -- Padua -- Vicenza -- Brescia -- Verona -- Milan -- Lago Maggiore -- The Simplon -- Geneva -- Paris Page
Mr. Greville's Connexion with the Turf.


American affairs

Law and Order



Contemporary literature: readings

Political Affairs

The Corn Laws

Political cartoons


The Crimean War

Poor Relief

Factories and Mines

Public Health

The French Wars


Foreign Policy


Irish Affairs

Rural Life


Trade Unions





















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Last modified 16 August, 2017
American Affairs 1760-83
The Age of the French Wars 1792-1815
Irish Affairs 1760-89
Economic Affairs in the Age of Peel
Irish Affairs
Primary sources index
British Foreign policy 1815-65European history

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